On this day in 1776 we claimed our independence from Britain. As a result of this event, our democracy was formed and we became the “Land of the free and brave.” Thinking about this turning point in our history gives me much to ponder and journal about.
In fact, today is a good reminder for all of us to give thanks for the independence we have each and every day of our lives. Imagine the freedom to wake up in the morning and be in charge of our own lives. Something many of us take for granted. This idea really resonates with me lately while turning on the television and observing the stations inundated with the Casey Anthony trial. If she lived in any other place in the world, she would not have had the opportunity for either trial or any legal representation. Her voice would not be heard and chances are because of the horrific crime she’s accused of, she would probably no longer be with us.
Listening to the details of this case hit me hard for numerous reasons. First of all, we lived in Orlando for 15 years and my three children, Rachel, Regine and Josh were raised there. Outside of the opening of Disney World in the 1971 and the Tiger Woods saga some years ago, this is the only time I remember Orlando being in the news for such an extended period of time. Secondly, as a mother myself, I am nauseated at Anthony’s crime and how a mother could do such a thing to her child. It has always astounded me how difficult it is to get married but so easy to become a mother – no credentials necessary. In my opinion, it should be the other way around, but who am I to say. As a woman who experienced infertility and was on bed rest with all three of my kids, I can only say that I appreciate them all that much more.
Casey Anthony has sacrificed so much and hurt so many people and for what? Because the stress of motherhood overwhelmed her and she was unable to continue with her partying lifestyle? This makes no sense to me.
Giving her as much air time as we have is another issue, as Americans are obsessed with sensationalism. I am not claiming to be different, but it’s really gone overboard. There is no doubt that the Casey Anthony is simply not well. Seeing her face on television day after day reminded me of a book I read some years ago, called The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout. This is a fabulous and eye-opening book and for all those who are into sensationalism, a great read. In terms of chararacteristics, here’s what she identifies as the characteristics of a sociopath:
sometimes hypochondriac
often looking for schemes
liars and thieves
hate and avoid responsibility
At a glance it might seem that many of these characteristics fit Casey Anthony’s personality, but the last characteristic is the most poignant.
In honor of Independence Day and our democracy, I cannot help but believe that justice will be served and at the risk of using a cliché, “what goes around comes around.”
NOTE TO READERS: I will be taking a two-week hiatus. Be happy and be well!